Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Is Anybody out There?

Posted: June 11, 2017 in Uncategorized

Hi,  if its been a while….. which it has…. I will start with an introduction…..


My name is Shell.  Short for Shelley, if needed, but since everyone spells it without the required extra e in my name I shortened it a while back.  Still I answer to both.  I am a work at home mom { yes I work as an independent Ambassador for the best health and beauty line out there as well as a full time job for the best Hotel chain in the business } and a fibromyalgia warrior and a breast cancer fighter.  There are a few other things in the health category but we can just start today with the basics.  I was a voracious reader a while back.  I reviewed for a company called Bitten by Books.  I thought I found the greatest friends and a fantastic way to read and not have it cost me an arm and a leg since when I started I was basically bed ridden after two back to back accidents.  In any case I busted my ass for them including up to the day before they told me that I had violated their codes by having my own blog.  Sorry not sorry.  I bent over backwards and did up to 350 reviews for them in one calendar year while I was with them and because a few authors wanted to expand who was blogging and posting about their books and sent me my own copies for review they sent me packing.  Which is fine I was ready to move on.  You would think that maybe just maybe that a friend would have been able to help me out and give me a chance to defend myself but those kind of people are getting fewer and farther between these days.  Which was once again brought to my attention because of another pair of catty bitches.  { I know I know…. bitches are dogs but I am not going there….. enough to say if you find the person who has your back make sure you keep him or her close and don’t let them hit you like I was yesterday }  That….. is another story.

So as to why I am posting again.  I am going to reprise my writing and hopefully reviewing careers….. however brief they happened to be in the past.  All this while I am off from my job as an online reservation specialist to have cancer treatment.  The docs are all in unison with their stories when they tell me that I am lucky.  It was a malignant tumor but they caught it super early and I will only require radiation for 5 weeks now that the surgery has healed.  So lets hope.  In any case, expect brief reviews or in the least a synopsis of what books I read recently as well as some healthy tips I will be sorting through while sitting in a hotel for a month with just my weekends home with family.

Everyone says stay strong.  And they love my attitude towards it staying positive but to be honest it is one of the hardest things I struggle with. Very few people know my real story.  What makes me who I am today and what battles I am fighting that day, because lets face it with brutal honesty here….  I am struggling.  Bad.  With both the emotional baggage of my life and of my hopes for a better future.  I might put it all out there but for now it will be in bits and pieces and quite frankly a lot of myself is in the books I am writing.

I AM WRITING.   Well not quite yet but I have a lot of spoons in use trying to get ready for the treatments which includes searching out my old manuscripts and starts and poetry and a couple of editing suggestions that I kept after I shelved my writing because I didn’t fight for myself when I should have.  I might always argue according to some people but I never fight for myself.  That ends now.  I am fighting.  I am not giving up.

So please feel free to leave positive comments and ideas.  I am not going to change everything but I am going to change as much as I can.  Thank you for listening.  I am going back to a great cowboy novella I am beta reading for the beautiful Stephanie Rowe.  I will leave a few notes and the link for the pre order asap……

Send love not hate.


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Special Book Outlet Promo!

Posted: October 13, 2015 in Uncategorized

Get a coupon for 15% off and more when you get your friends to sign up for the coupon too!  Stop by now!

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Book Outlet 15% off Coupon

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I might be a bit excited today…. Nerd Block approved me to be a part of their affiliate group!  And it couldn’t be at a better time because the classic Nerd Block has a bonus this month in its October box and if you sign up now November will be the first ever Sci Fy box with a Doctor Who collectible in the mix along with some fandom favorites!  Click the link below to join now and for a limited time they have extended their bonus welcome box…… join the fun!!!

Subscribe NOW

Hey all.  Been away again but hoping things are on an upswing.  Actually had 3 great days in a row before waking to aching body parts but that’s life when you are living with chronic pain.  But in any case I am trying to stay positive and looking into more things to share with you!  More reviews are coming!  I have already posted my first review of Rysa Walker’s series and have now read the entire series!  They along with some other great reads are coming very soon!  As well I am working on a personal project to make my own Tardis shelving unit!  This will house my beads and my printer….and hopefully it will be bigger on the inside so I can make more room to create on the outside! lol   As well I am geeking out every month with my Nerd Block box and now my son had joined in the fun! I might even share or start putting up a contest or two in the future when things get rolling.  For now I will say goodbye….. and for those Canadian followers Happy Thanksgiving!

So have I told you how much I love the Book Outlet!  I fell upon this store when I was away at a hockey tourney years ago and it never failed that after Xmas we had a tourney that brought us into the

St Catherines area!  When I found out they had a way to buy online I was ecstatic!  Now I want to share an amazing deal and one I know I will be using!  Check it out now!!!

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$20 off $60 with promo code 20bookoutlet. Coupon Code: 20bookoutlet

I have been working on getting an affiliate status for this great company!  Wish me luck but in the mean time make sure you check out the Book Outlet.  When I am near St Catherines Ontario I always make sure to stop by but their online deals are amazing too!  Recently I stocked up on a whole slew of Kim Harrison and Sherilyn Kenyon hard covers!  At savings that were a STEAL!  Including autographed copies upon availability!!! I know how hard it is to hunt these two ladies down!  I once drove 5 hours to meet Sherilyn and was lucky enough to meet Kim in New Orleans!  In any case please check them out!!! Thank you!!!  And let me know by your comments what deals you managed to snag!

Book Outlet

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I just wanted to share…. this man has stated his opinion and presented his argument as a smart, well versed and logistical manner.

Ben Irwin


Dear Kevin,

I read your “40 questions for Christians now waving rainbow flags” with interest. I don’t have a rainbow-themed avatar, but I have a good deal in common with those you were addressing.

Besides, as you say, it’s always good to “slow down and think.”

You describe your questions as “sincere, if pointed.” I took this to mean they were designed to elicit a response. So respond I have. As much as possible, I’ve tried to follow your lead—offering what I hope are sincere, if occasionally pointed, replies.

A few of your questions seemed redundant (e.g. #2 and #3, #29 and #30). In such cases I did not bother to repeat my answers. For you, each question may have had its own nuance, but I felt the same answers applied, at least broadly speaking.

One last point before diving in… I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that what we’re cheering for is definitely not

View original post 3,121 more words

Hi to my followers!  I wasn’t sure when I was going to get back in the swing and to be honest I have been pretty down about taking this long of a break! Check out todays review and posting…. I hope to keep these going and get back to a regular posting pace.  To think I once was able to read and review double digits every week…. now life has gotten in the way.  I guess 5 years of unemployment kinda left a lot of time open.  Now although I am off recuperating from surgery I am crossing fingers that I can keep up on my reviewing, reading and relaxing once I get back to my day job!  For now send me your good vibes.  I have some great ideas including hopefully getting some guest reviewers.  There are a lot of books on my TBR list including some pretty awesome hockey romance ones…… and yes to those asking.  I will be polishing up my own paranormal hockey romance soon.  The first book is finished just a few tweeks left to do and the second is in progress….. so check out the review of JoAnne’s new book and please know that I appreciate all those who stuck with me!